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Gival Press, LLC

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Thank you for visiting Gival Press.

About Gival Press

Gival Press, LLC, an award-winning independent literary publishing house located in Arlington, Virginia, was established in 1998 with a focus on publishing books of literary fiction, non-fiction (essays / educational texts), and poetry, of which some have been in Spanish or French.

To promote writing, Gival Press has sponsored writing contests since 1999.

Current Contests:

The 23rd Annual Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award-2024

Deadline June 27, 2024

The 21st Annual Gival Press Short Story Award-2024

Deadline August 8, 2024

These two contests for authors/poets carry a cash prize and a reading fee is required. Submissions are requested to be done via our portal with Submittable.

With regard to the poetry and short story awards:

**Please note that our contracts for these contests include a statement explaining that any Work created by AI (Artificial Intelligence software) will be eliminated from the contests.

**Please note that works must be in English or from a translation into English from another language as long as the translator of the English unpublished version has and can provide the approval of the original author. 

*Our deadline dates never change; if a date falls on a Sunday, it automatically rolls over to Monday.

As guideline to the literary fiction we are looking for, we quote Eileen Gonzalez's comment on literary fiction which appeared in Foreword Reviews (Nov/Dec 2020):

      "Literary fiction involves more than just a great story. It puts ordinary humans under a microscope, examining our strengths and weakness, the heights to which we can rise, and the depths to which we may fall."—Eileen Gonzalez

    Please note that our contests are open to all poets and writers globally. Having said that, Gival Press looks for work that reflects our values of Human Decency, Respect for Others, and work that Values all Peoples of the Earth.

 Notification of the Winner:

Please note that all entrants who submit work via Submittable will automatically be notified once the winner and finalists have been announced.

All work is judged anonymously. Usually the judging is done by the previous winner of the award from a pool of finalists which have been chosen anonymously by the Press. Obviously, if an entrant believes he/she/they have a conflict of interest with any judge, he/she/they should either reconsider this before entering one of our contests or when in doubt ask the publisher, Robert L. Giron. 

The decision made by the judge for each of the contests shall be final.

Please note that the Gival Press Novel Award and the Gival Press Poetry Award have been closed, and Gival Press is not accepting queries for book publication.

Best wishes,  

Robert L. Giron



The Arlington Literary Journal (ArLiJo)

 ArLiJo, an e-journal features art/photography, fiction/nonfiction, and poetry. 


Please note that the next Reading Submission Period for ArLiJo will be March 25 to April 25, 2024.  



Send about 3-5 poems


 Send items of no more than 10 pages or @ 2,500 words

Photography / Art

Send work @ 300 dpi

Works may be in other languages as long as an English translation accompanies the work, and the work is original and written by the author who submits the work. Obviously, the author will need to submit proof of permission to translate any work that is under copyright and/or contract.

​There is no charge for submissions.

Please place Query in the Subject line of any email and include a short bio. Please only send work as a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document or jpg/tiff; please do not send work as a PDF document.

Send ArLiJo submissions only to:

ArLiJo @ myyahoo . com.

Any work published shall remain the property of the author/poet/artist and for any previously published work to appear the author/poet/artist must still retain the rights of the work and must provide the publication name and the date of publication. 

Please note that ArLiJo is an ejournal.



Gival Press, LLC