Thank you for visiting Gival Press.

About Gival Press

Gival Press, LLC, an award-winning independent literary publishing house located in Arlington, Virginia, was established in 1998 with a focus on publishing books of literary fiction, non-fiction (essays / educational texts), and poetry, of which some have been in Spanish or French. To promote writing, Gival Press has sponsored writing contests since 1999.

Please note that as of November 2024, we are no longer publishing books. However, of the 85 printed titles we have published, 54 titles remain in print, while 31 titles have been placed out of print. In addition, 47 ebooks of some of these 85 titles have been published, of which 37 ebooks remain in print.

To support literary endeavors, the tradition of the Oscar Wilde Award and the Short Story Award as well as the online journal, ArLiJo are active.

Current Contests:

The 24th Annual Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award-2025

Portal will open in January 2025

Deadline June 27, 2025

The 22nd Annual Gival Press Short Story Award-2025

Portal will open in January 2025

Deadline August 8, 2025

These two contests for authors/poets carry a cash prize and a reading fee is required. Submissions are requested to be done via our portal with Submittable. Please do not submit PDFs. Word documents or RTF documents are fine.

With regard to the poetry and short story awards:

**Please note that our contracts for these contests include a statement explaining that any Work created by AI (Artificial Intelligence software) will be eliminated from the contests.

**Please note that works must be in English or from a translation into English from another language if the translator of the English unpublished version has and can provide the approval of the original author. 

*Our deadline dates never change; if a date falls on a Sunday, it automatically rolls over to Monday.

As guideline to the literary fiction we are looking for, we quote Eileen Gonzalez's comment on literary fiction which appeared in Foreword Reviews (Nov/Dec 2020):

      "Literary fiction involves more than just a great story. It puts ordinary humans under a microscope, examining our strengths and weakness, the heights to which we can rise, and the depths to which we may fall."—Eileen Gonzalez

    Please note that our contests are open to all poets and writers globally. Having said that, Gival Press looks for work that reflects our values of Human Decency, Respect for Others, and work that Values all Peoples of the Earth.

 Notification of the Winner:

Please note that all entrants who submit work via Submittable will automatically be notified once the winner and finalists have been announced.

All work is judged anonymously. Usually, the judging is done by the previous winner of the award from a pool of finalists which have been chosen anonymously by the Press. Obviously, if an entrant believes they have a conflict of interest with any judge, they should either reconsider this before entering one of our contests or when in doubt ask the publisher, Robert L. Giron. 

The decision made by the judge for each of the contests shall be final.

Please note that the Gival Press Novel Award and the Gival Press Poetry Award have been closed, and Gival Press is not accepting queries for book publication.

Best wishes,  

Robert L. Giron



The Arlington Literary Journal (ArLiJo)

 ArLiJo, an e-journal features art/photography, fiction/nonfiction, and poetry. 


Please note that the next Reading Submission Period for ArLiJo will be March 30 to April 30, 2025.  



Send about 3-5 poems.


 Send items of no more than 10 pages or @ 2,500 words.

Photography / Art

Send work @ 300 dpi.

Works may be in other languages if an English translation accompanies the work, and the work is original and written by the author who submits the work. Obviously, the author will need to submit proof of permission to translate any work that is under copyright and/or contract.

​There is no charge for submissions.

Please place Query in the Subject line of any email and include a short bio. Please only send work as a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document or jpg/tiff; please do not send work as a PDF document.

Send ArLiJo submissions only to:

ArLiJo @ myyahoo . com.

Any work published shall remain the property of the author/poet/artist and for any previously published work to appear the author/poet/artist must still retain the rights of the work and must provide the publication name and the date of publication. All rights revert to the author/poet/artist upon publication in ArLiJo.

ArLiJo requests that any work published in ArLiJo be acknowledged in future publications.

Please note that ArLiJo is an ejournal.



The 22nd Annual Gival Press Short Story Award-2025
Ends on $25.00

The 22nd Annual Gival Press Short Story Award-2025


August 8, 2025 (postmarked) Our dates never change, if the date falls on a Sunday, then Monday becomes the default postmarked date, if you mail the entry to us. Please note that the judging begins after August 8, 2025, with the announcement of the winner within 3-4 months.


Author will receive $1,000.00 and the winning story will be published on the Gival Press website. 


Submissions of a previously unpublished original (not a translation) stand-alone short story in English must be approximately 5,000 to 15,000 words of high literary quality, typed, double-spaced on one side of the paper only, with word count in the upper left-hand side of the first page, along with the title. The author's name should not appear on the numbered pages of the ms which should be clipped together. Author should keep a copy of the submission as it will not be returned. Please note that the story should be a "stand alone story" —-not a chapter from a novel. Please be sure that your envelope is properly sealed. Please submit work as a Word or RTF document.

Please note that our contracts for these contests include a statement explaining that any Work created by AI (Artificial Intelligence software) will be eliminated from the contests.


Author Identification: Submit name, address, telephone number, email address on a separate page, along with the title of the short story submitted. A short bio should also be included. If the short story wins, the author must make the manuscript available to Gival Press on a USB in Rich Text Format (RTF)—this refers to how one saves the document on one's computer. If you submit via, be sure to include in your cover letter:




Email address

Please include which pronouns you use to refer to yourself.

Regular Mail to:

Robert L. Giron, Editor

Gival Press Short Story Award

Gival Press, LLC

PO Box 3812

Arlington, VA 22203

Notification of the Winner:

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) for notification of the winner or visit our website (, where the winner and finalists will be announced.

Please be sure that your envelope is properly sealed. We try our best to announce the winner in the fall of the same year. Unfortunately, it takes time to read and judge the entries and to contact the individuals involved.

Reading fee:

$25.00 (USD) by check or money order drawn on an American bank for each short story submitted. Payable to: Gival Press, LLC. Or you may submit and pay via International entrants must send a check drawn on a USA bank routed through a USA address, such as Bank of America; no international money orders are acceptable.

Please note that Gival Press can also accept the entry free by major credit card; however, we only take credit card information by phone (703.351.0079).


Short stories will be judged anonymously, and the decision of the judge will be final. The winner for the previous award will be the judge for the following year.

Discount Offered to Entrants:

Anyone who has entered a Gival Press contest may purchase any books published or distributed by Gival Press at a 20% discount off the retail price, with free shipment. Credit cards are preferred. Kindly either call us (703.351.0079 - leave a message if we can't answer when you call and we will call you back) or send us an email with your phone number and we will call you, as we only accept the credit card information by phone.

Ends on $20.00

The 25th Annual Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award-2025

"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."—Oscar Wilde


June 27, 2025 (postmarked)

Our dates never change. If the date falls on a Sunday, then Monday becomes the default postmarked date, if you mail the entry to us. Please note that the judging begins after June 27, 2025, with the announcement of the winner within 1-3 months.


The winner will receive $500.00 (USD), and the poem, along with information about the poet, will be published on the websites of Gival Press ( The winner will be asked to sign a release form for payment. In addition, Gival Press hopes to publish an anthology of the winners of this award along with the best poems submitted to the contest over a period of several years.


This award will be given to the best previously unpublished (self-publications and publications online are considered "published work") original poem written in English (of any length, in any style, typed, single spaced but with breaks for stanzas on one side only), which best relates  LGBTQ life by a poet who is 18 or older.

Please note that our contracts for these contests include a statement explaining that any Work created by AI (Artificial Intelligence software) will be eliminated from the contests.


Entrants are asked to submit up to 3 of their poems per submission in the following manner: (1) without any kind of identification, with the exception of the title, and (2) with a separate cover page with the following information: name, address (street, city, and state with zip code), telephone number, email address, if available, and the title of the poem submitted. (3) A short bio should also be included. Please submit work in a Word or RTF document.

Please include which pronouns you use to refer to yourself.

Poems will not be returned, so poets should keep copies of their poems.

If you submit via Submittable, please include in your cover letter:




Email Address

Reading Fee:

Poets must submit a reading fee of $20.00 (USD)  with a submission of up to 3 poems, regardless of the length. Checks or money orders drawn on American banks, routed through a USA address, such as Bank of America, should be made payable to Gival Press, LLC. Overseas money orders are not acceptable. Or you can pay via

Regular Mail to:

Robert L. Giron, Editor

Gival Press Oscar Wilde Award

Gival Press, LLC

P.O. Box 3812

Arlington, VA 22203.

Notification of the Winner:

Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) for notification of the winner or visit our website (, where the winner and finalists will be announced.

The winner is usually announced on or before September 1.


Poems will be judged anonymously by the previous winner of the award. The decision made by the judge will be final.

Discount Offered to Entrants:

Anyone who has entered a Gival Press contest may purchase any books published or distributed by Gival Press at a 20% discount off the retail price, with free shipment. Credit cards are preferred. Kindly either call us (703.351.0079 - leave a message if we can't answer when you call and we will call you back) or send us an email with your phone number and we will call you, as we only accept the credit card information by phone.

Gival Press, LLC